Primary care (general medical) services.
These are provided by experienced senior medical officers and medical officers. They provide (as a team) 24 hours resident cover at the hospital including weekends.
Specialist Services

There are full time consultant pediatricians. Clinic schedules are as follows:
- Weekdays (9AM to 5PM).
- Saturday (10AM to 1PM).
- Emergency services available round the clock.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
There are full time Consultants in the unit and their clinic schedules are as follows:
- Monday - Antenatal Care (10AM to 2PM).
- Tuesday - GYNAECOLOGY CLINIC (10AM to 2PM).
- Wednesday - Antenatal Care (10AM to 2PM).
- Thursday - SURGERY (10AM to 2PM).
Consultants are on call 24/7 for emergencies.

Internal Medicine.
Our department is run by full time specialists and part-time consultants and their clinic schedules are as follows:
1) Physician Clinic
- Monday - (10AM to 2PM).
- Wednesday - (10AM to 2PM).
- Friday – (2PM – 4PM).
2) Cardiology Clinic
- Echo Cardiography – (8AM to 10AM).
- Saturday Consultation – (10AM to 12PM).
3) Dermatology Clinic
- Alternate Friday – (3.30PM – 6PM).
4) Nephrology Clinic
- Thursday – (10AM – 2PM).

The Surgical Unit is run by part time consultants and their clinic schedules are as follows:
1) General Surgery Clinic
- Monday - (4PM to 6PM).
- Thursday – (10AM – 2PM).
2) Surgery
- Friday – (8AM to 1PM).
- Wednesday – (11AM to 2PM).
3) Urology Clinic
- Alternate Thursday (9AM – 12PM).
4) Orthopedics Clinic
- Friday – (3.30PM – 6PM).
5) ENT Clinic
- Alternate Saturday – (12PM – 2PM). Available on appointment.
- Burns and Plastic Consultant.
- Neurosurgery Consultant.

Physiotherapists’ schedules are as follows:
- Tuesdays (10AM to 2PM).
- Fridays (10AM to 2PM).

Dietetics Clinic.
Dietetics/nutritional (by appointment). Please call our front desk numbers to request - 0704-608-3798 or 01-4531698.

Blood Bank Services.
Our blood bank services operates 24/7 and is registered with the Lagos State blood transfusion service.

Dispensary Services.
Well stocked dispensary service that operates 24 hours.

Comprehensive health-checks.
We offer pre-employment, intra- employment screening as well as routine well being screening.

Laboratory Services.
We offer full comprehensive laboratory services.

1) X-RAY/Imaging Services
A standard X-ray unit with an experienced radiographer, supervised by a consultant radiologist, which performs:
- Echocardiogram.
- Obstetrics and Abdominopelvic Ultrasound Scan.
- Transdoppler scan.

Neonatal Intensive Care Services.
We run Neonatal Intensive Care Services which includes:
- Care of sick newborn babies.
- Care of pre-mature newborn babies (including extremely low birth weight babies).
- Care of jaundiced newborn babies.
- And other new born complications or neonatal emergencies.

Ambulance and Emergency Services.
Our ambulance is fully equipped and available 24hours daily.

High Dependency Unit Services.
Fully equipped with monitors to provide adequate care.